Hero Apa Yang Paling Kuat ?
- 1. Luna Moonfang
- 2. DarkTeror
- 3. Jahrakal
Oh iya, aku tadi barusan nemu Wallpaper unik dan keren, aku nemu dari sini !!! Untuk liat wallpapernya silakan download aja langsung dan liat aja sendiri gambarnya ! Keren kok ^.^
Saturday, May 31, 2008 | 8 Comments
Place For Online Casinos Newbies
Play Online Casino will be easy if you follow the tutorials on the Casino Newbies although you are a newbie :D In there you can get free flash casino games, so you can learn how to play casino games and how to be a great casino player. Anyway, these site's have a simple layout design with easy to use link navigations on the top of site. Casino Newbies is a heaven for beginner internet player ! Everybody can get some tutorials, tips and trick, and news about online casinos. So, what are you waiting for ? If you want to learn how to play online casino, Casino Newbies is your next destination !!!
Thursday, May 29, 2008 | 2 Comments
Online Casinos
All USA online casinos that listed on this site are accepting American players without any restrictions. Because of several kinds of online casino that they can found at Internet, the online casino review is very important for the new casino players, It will make an understanding before choosing the best online casino to play.
Saturday, May 24, 2008 | 0 Comments
Video Games on Shopwiki
Anyway, it backs to the player personality itself. How he or she take the benefits of it. There are three top video game products at the markets. They are Microsoft, Sony, and Nintendo manufactures. But some versions of Microsoft Xbox such as, Xbox 360 Arcade, Xbox 360, and the Xbox 360 Elite as the full deal. Then, for Nintendo, it has the Nintendo DS, Nintendo DS Lite and Wii in production. The last Sony comes with a Blu-ray DVD player; and PlayStation 3 that was sold widely as well. So, you can choose which one that you think more advantage and good in quality. All of that, you can found at shopwiki.com especially at Video Game pages.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008 | 0 Comments
Data Storage recovery
There is a company service that particularly handling for data storage recovery. By their professional staffs, hard drive repair is handling safely and ensuring from any fatal risk. By several equipment and tools, they also keep the security of sensitive data in our data storage. This company is called DTI Data.
This company claimed as the only one authorized manufacturer of data recovery service company. If we visit on their site page, DTI Data provides a lot information of Data Recovery Resources and give us variety services of data storage repairing. They also mention list of popular company as their customers such as Ford Motor , Cisco, US Army, NASA, US Navy, US Air Force, US Marines and others to get trusty from prospect customers who’s visit their site. It means that DTI Data well known as reputable company in USA for data storage repairing handling.
DTI Data was founded on 1992 at Pasadena, Florida, and they claim over 100.000 data recovery services. It means they have 16 years experiences on this business. Their services are categorized on two kind sections. First, the data storage category such as IDE/SATA Hard drive, RAID data recovery, SCSI data recovery, External USB Hard drive, or iPhone data recovery. Second, the data kind category, their services are NTFS or Win32 data recover, MAC OS data recover, e-mails recover (MS Outlook Express), Retroburner for unreadable CR or DVD, Digital Music recover, damage zip document file recover, and Raw file recover.
On some data recovery services for specific hard disk manufacturers like Western Digital or LaCie they offers discounts. DTI Data still give the customer satisfactions by providing toll free support and hotline service, though they already have a great reputation on data recovery handling. We can ask for their evaluation and advice of our problem cases via the phone hotline. They will respond on 8 AM to 11 PM EST 7days a week.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008 | 1 Comments
Download Map Dota 6.52 AI Gratis
Sunday, May 18, 2008 | 5 Comments
Self learning poker strategy
Now, they can increase their skills and knowledge of poker game by sign up at www.pokerstrategy.com, the best online free poker education site. Yes, this site offers four interest things for poker player, from beginner to professional:
First, the poker videos : with the video of professional poker player, we can learn by observe the real best poker strategy.
Second, the strategies : this is a list of article material poker strategy from basic to platinum level stage.
Third, the forum : we can interact with other poker player to share knowledge and poker strategy with them.
And fourth, the glossary : this page will help you to know any term, which used on poker games.
But, it is all the information valid for us? Of course, www.pokerstrategy.com have been doing their business since 2005. There are a lot of professional poker players behind them. So don’t be worry about their poker material validity. For new members, they also offers $150 free bankroll by simply sign up and take their quiz.
Sunday, May 18, 2008 | 0 Comments
Jual Character AyoDance
Untuk masalah harga nego lewat email aja ya ^.^
Friday, May 16, 2008 | 13 Comments
Entrepreneur and a new rich
But, this is not means that all opportunity to make a business is closed. Maybe that is true for intern the nation, but there is an interesting happened at overseas. The existing high oil price at the world markets causes more Nouveau Riche (French of new rich) are popping out from an oil exporter country. With large economic subsidies from their government, the Nouveau Riche have large money on their pocket to spend. This improvement of purchasing power will invite the entrepreneur to make a business around them.
For Russian or Middle East Asian peoples whose got a beneficial from high oil price, this is the right time to live it up and applies others service to fulfill their requirement. On simple words, the Nouveau Riche just want to give their money for someone who wants to take this opportunity. And only entrepreneur with good feeling can be success dealing business with them.
Thursday, May 15, 2008 | 0 Comments
Online Free Games
The different case is happened if the computer connected to the Internet, because there are a lot of websites, which provides free games to play. You can choose the best game to play for free with variety kinds of online software games.
At gamesoid.com, the front page is separated with two categories of games: New Free Online Games and Popular Online Games. On New Free Online Games block, there are lists of new free games, which updated periodically. And at Popular Online Games section consists of free games that usually played by visitors.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008 | 1 Comments
Bad Credit Repair Service
Several companies offer bad credit repair services for their customers, and some of them provide their services online at Internet. So, there is not difficult to find bad credit repair that meets what our needs. And one of those companies is repairyourbadcredit.com, which offers repair credit service called DSI Solutions. This company provides most kind of repair credit products,such as: credit cards, auto loans, home loans, personal loans and other related. At their site we can found some testimony and recommendation from their customers whose got benefit of using their services.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008 | 0 Comments
Hunting Cheap Stuff
Findsavings.com is one of sites, which provides several free coupon codes. Wide range stuff categories from electronics to pets’ coupon code we can found on their site. We also can found about 500 merchants from their list of stores page. And on each of store links, they tell us how many coupons are available to get. For example, on Adidas Shoes link, present three coupons available to buy shoes or footwear. The discounts or rebates are vary depend of merchant and the product. But, it can be range from 5 percents to 50 percents for each product. It will be more affected to expensive products which we cannot buy caused of our inability.
Monday, May 12, 2008 | 1 Comments
Ternyata, Dota Ada Sejarahnya !!!
Aegis of the Immortal - Tameng yang menurut legenda dulu digunakan oleh Zeus, Dewa Yunani.
Aghanim’s Scepter - Aghanim adalah nama boss terakhir di beberapa game Zelda.
Uriza-Do Kanyon - Item dari game Diablo II.
Dagon - Dewa Semitic.
Eul’s Scepter of Divinity - Sebagai penghormatan kepada pembuat DotA yang pertama kali (Eul). Sedangkan Guinsoo’s Scythe of Vyse mengikuti tradisi ini dan merupakan item untuk mengenang perintis map DotA Allstars (Guinsoo).
Eye of Skadi - Skadi adalah istri dari Van god Njord dalam mitology Norse. Dia adalah dewi salju, dan untuk menghormatinya, item ini membuat hero dapat memperlambat gerakan musuh pada setiap serangannya (Frost Attack).
Lothar’s Edge - Sebagai penghormatan kepada Sir Anduin Lothar, Ksatria dari Azeroth yang memenangkan “First War” (Warcraft & Warcraft II).
Necronomicon - Buku fiksi tentang sihir yang ditulis oleh H. P. Lovecraft.
Nethrezim Buckler - Nathrezim atau Dreadlords adalah salah satu ras dalam lingkup game Warcraft.
Stygian Desolator - Senjata dari game Anarchy Online.
Heart of Tarrasque - Mahluk mistik yang menyerupai naga, singa, dan kalajengking. Juga merupakan salah satu boss dari game Starcraft.
Yasha - Sejenis setan dalam mitologi Indian
Akasha - Salah satu dari 5 element dari kepercayaan Hindu. Juga merupakan nama karakter Queen of the Damned dari buku yang ditulis oleh Anne Rice.
Atropos - Salah satu dari 3 takdir dalam mitologi Yunani, yang menurut legenda berarti “memotong benang kehidupan”. Hal ini diwakili dalam game dengan ultimate Fiend’s Grip yang akan menguras darah musuhnya.
Azwraith - Hero ini menggunakan model/icon berdasarkan dari karakter Kimhari dalam game Final Fantasy.
Furion - Pemimpin dari Night Elves yang menguasai alam dari game Warcraft III.
Bradwarden - Karakter centaur dari buku The Demon Awaken yang ditulis oleh R.A. Salvatore.
Juggernaut - Ultimate hero ini merupakan turunan dari omnislashnya Cloud Strife dalam game Final Fantasy VII.
Lina Inverse - Nama karakternya berasal dari Slayers, sebuah manga dan anime yang cukup terkenal.
Kel’Thuzad - Murid dari Lich King dari game Warcraft III.
King Leoric - Namanya berasal dari karakter di Diablo yang anaknya dirasuki setan.
Krobelus - Karakter dalam game Summoner 2.
Leviathan - Hero yang keliatan seperti raksasa laut. Namanya berasal dari mahluk laut yang cukup melegenda.
Lucifer - Malaikat yang jatuh dalam dosa (setan) dalam tradisi Kristiani.
Leshrac (the Malicious) - Karakter dalam game Magic the Gathering.
Magnus - Seorang fisikawan German, Heinrich Magnus, yang menulis tentang fenomena efek Magnus. Sedangkan hero ini memiliki ultimate Reverse Polarity yang mirip dengan apa yang terjadi dalam efek Magnus.
Medusa - Monster dalam mitologi Yunani yang pandangannya dapat merubah orang menjadi batu. Hal ini diwakili dalam game dengan ultimate Purge yang dapat sangat memperlambat gerakan musuhnya, meskipun tidak sampai merubah mereka menjadi batu.
Morphling - Shapeshifter dari game Wizards of the Coast’s Magic the Gathering, yang juga ahli dalam merubah-rubah statsnya.
Naga Siren - Merupakan mahluk dari mitologi Yunani, dimana siren (setengah manusia, setengah mahluk laut) mempengaruhi para pelaut agar datang ke pulau mereka. Dalam game, ultimate hero ini, Song of the Siren menyebabkan sekelompok musuh tidur selama beberapa waktu.
Rikimaru - Ninja dalam game Tenchu: The Stealth Assassins.
Zeus - Dewa petir dan juga pemimpin para dewa dalam mitologi Yunani.
Nah, gimana ? Ternyata banyak banget kan sejarah yang berhubungan dengan Dota ^.^ Aku ucapin terima kasih kepada anak-anak dari Indodota, indogamers, dan terutama thanks buat Ryntoz yang udah memperbolehkan aku untuk mengambil beberapa artikel tentang sejarah Dota ini ^.^
*Sumber http://ryntoz.blogspot.com/2008/03/warcraft-dota.html
Monday, May 12, 2008 | 1 Comments
Journey to Europe
There is a site that offers cheap accommodation and hotel for several tourist destinations in Europe. The site is easytobook.com. They provides information to booking hotels on most big city in Europe, such as London hotels, Dublin hotels, Rome hotels, Barcelona hotels, New York hotels, or Prague hotels.
Saturday, May 10, 2008 | 0 Comments
Learn Blog Design and Computer Related Topics
StylishWebDesign.us is one of them. This site provides not only articles about computer programming or design blog or website. But also talk about operating system and its security, such as in their article about handling user accounts on Windows and spyware community.
StylishWebDesign.us is build and authored by Gombos Atila using Wordpress CMS. This is one of very popular, simplest, and easy to use CMS in the world. By reading some articles on this site, I conclude that the author seems having a deep experience and knowledge about topics that written by him. Because the style of his article is very technically for anyone who’s learn the topic in a few days. By the way, visitors of his site can interact with the author by post some comments or ask a question like on another blogsite.
Saturday, May 10, 2008 | 8 Comments
Gaming Guide Site's For You
As we know, not most of USA online casinos or gambling reviews are trusty. Their review is based on various factors. There is including whether the reviews based on personal experiences or only promote the affiliate link. Another question, are the reviewer has enough experiences for testing and reviewing the game? With personal experiences, reviewers always have power their reviews. One of the websites that provides this review or other related online casino information is.gamingguide.net
They will help beginners to find the online casino web site that provides the simplest explanations for those hard to understand terms of online casino selection process. On this site we also can found list of casino sites by group category menus. At kind of game category, there are lists of about 10 online casino: poker, slots, blackjack, roulette, Craps, Baccarat, Bingo, Keno, Lotto, and Backgammon. Another group menu is list of guiding information to play the games, such as Casino Game Rules, Gambling News, Gambling Jokes, Book Shop, Currency Converter, Gambling Dictionary, Street Maps, World Land Casinos and Las Vegas Motels.
Friday, May 09, 2008 | 0 Comments
Use Mailbox for Your Home
Mailboxixchange.com offers various kinds of mailboxes in which suitable for our needs. This site will help and guide us in choosing and getting interesting mailboxes. We can found low price list, buyers’ guide and the guarantee information if our mailbox is broken. They also have an affiliate program that will pay commision to us, if we get some mailbox buyers for them.
Wednesday, May 07, 2008 | 0 Comments
Fast Cash Advance
This is about getting cash advance or in other words is payday loans. It can be done actually for the borrowers of cash money in paying per day. It is such kind of no fax payday loan. If we are joining the site, the facilities those cans we get are so many. The expert will do the best or our loans. How can they help us? Just o not to be worried, they will do such kind of matching with a lender. In a short time, they will contact us and we can receive our loan as soon as we need.
But these things should be think first that we cannot join this case in haphazard way. Because we have to mature enough, having a regular income and still having a bank account. But that are not difficult or us, we need to try little bit hard thing to earn money in an easy way. Have a nice try!
Tuesday, May 06, 2008 | 3 Comments
Online Credit Cards
One of the facilities are online credit cards. This is a tool that can be used to pay anything. Small item, that can be brought anywhere. People do not need to worry anymore of having no money in the time they need it.
There are so many things that should be paid attention if someone is having this kind of tool. First, people have to know the best and right of this tool. Why? Because we all know that many banks are offered the best cards of them, but finally that cannot guarantee well. Second, people whose having to brave compare the cards that they have with others.
And the last is people should use the most appropriate cards for themselves. It should work well or the users. So, what are you waiting for? Click the site that offer for their best cards.
Tuesday, May 06, 2008 | 0 Comments
Easy Payday
Anybody are wanting something fast in everything. Furthermore if it is related to money. As we know every people in this world needs that money, anytime, anywhere, and anyhow. If you're in a money emergency, a payday loan can help you get back on your feet by giving you a loan based on your current paycheck.
Here, they need something like online cash advance. Yes, it could be the easiest way to earn money in quick time. This loan is not difficult as we think actually. It just like pay day loan. In a account of day, we can get money in amount of we need.
We do not need to be worried again. The available site is also helping us in doing this. But it should be took a note that or people who want to take this loan are limited in the case of the sum. But just do not think too because of this thing, because people usually need this in a short time. It also can help in saving the status of the financial problem of someone.
So, get the advantages by visiting the site that can help your problem, and get fun of getting money in easy way.
Tuesday, May 06, 2008 | 0 Comments
Play Online Backgammon
This is for an example. People who maniac to play games, they do not to be worried anymore because they do not have to go to anywhere else actually. There are two kinds of games that are popular now like backgammon or blackjack. First is backgammon. This is a boar game that can be played only by two players. This is also the oldest board game in the world. There are so many variant of this game that can be selected by people who want to play it. It appropriates for a family game.
Another popular games that also can be played easily is Blackjack. But blackjack is little bit different from the previous one. This is like casino card games. People, who like gambling, will get their own pleasure if they can play this game well. So, what are you waiting for? The experts of computer already fix these two kinds of games, in order to enjoy by all the people in this world, especially people who love games much. Serve your self and make new atmosphere of playing a game.
Tuesday, May 06, 2008 | 0 Comments
Jual Character RF Online - Accretia - Venus
- 1. Mercenary
- 2. PT Mantap
- 3. Booster
- 4. Baju 1 set level 47 dekat (polos)
- 5. Sepatu +1 Mercy
- 6. Kepala Wisdom level 45 dekat
- 7. Strong Intense FL level 40 +4 (Ignorant) slot 7
- 8. Intense Cycle Knife +1
- 9. Injure Intense Gunblade (level 40)
- 10. Perisai Intense +1 (level 43)
- 11. CP 5.000.000,00 (kalau mau nambah CP tinggal kamu tambah Rp)
Klo kamu berminat ama char ini kamu bisa tinggalin komentar di bawah atau kamu juga bisa kirim email ke aku di g4m3r_no_1@yahoo.co.id Dan klo kamu mau langsung ngomong ama aku kamu bisa sms ato telp aku di 081331176654. Khusus Surabaya bisa langsung ketemuan. Thank you ^.^
Saturday, May 03, 2008 | 6 Comments